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Welcome! We're tracking 6,717 Classic Jaguar Saloon cars, with 110,807 photos! (Learn More) > cars > detail


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< 167364BW P167445DN >
 3.4 Mk.II Opalescent Silver Grey
 Saloon Light Blue
 Right Hand Drive 
   Shorters, Auckland
 167410DN 16 August 1964
 KJ5473-8 26 February 1965
 E062037 T F Haughey, Auckland
 30 July 1964 New Zealand
 1964 Opalescent Silver Grey
 2022 Light Blue
 Rest: Concours 
 Original Perth
  Western Australia

New ZealandCZ3260


Classic Jaguar Saloon photo

12 more photos below

Record Creation: Entered on 2 December 2010.


Record Changes

Changes to the database entry on this car are below; they do not necessarily mean the car itself changed (hide this).

2018-05-14 21:20:44 | SALOON Data writes:

The record was updated:

  • Last Seen was changed from 2010 to 2018
  • 2022-12-15 17:54:39 | SALOON Data writes:

    The record was updated:

  • Last Seen was changed from 2018 to 2022
  • Owner: Rob Calcott

    I live in Perth, Western Australia, with my wife Moira and mother of our four adult children (all married off). My passion with Jaguars started as a 10 year old admiring a neighbours early MK2, in Gisborne, New Zealand. I bought an immaculate 65 Mk2 3.4 MOD (167410DN), when I was about 20. After many other Jags in between, this Mk2 followed us to Australia and had a concourse restoration completed a few years ago, ready for several family weddings. I have a number of classic Jags, including the Series 1 (restored) and a Series 3 E Type undergoing restoration at present. Now semi retired, I enjoy repairing cars with my boys and share their interests in classic cars. We have learnt over many years to tackle most repairs ourselves. We do not lack too much equipment to do so, including a low bake booth. My passion for these classics was restored rebuilding my Mk2, which is much admired when it is out and about. "You might think my car is a classic, but my real treasure is in Heaven".


    Updated February 27th, 2016. Not legal proof of ownership.

    Photos of 167410DN

    Click slide for larger image. This car has 13 photos. (Dates are when image was uploaded.)

    Exterior Photos (4)

    Uploaded January 2013:

    Photo--click to zoom
    Photo--click to zoom

    Uploaded December 2010:

    Photo--click to zoom
    Photo--click to zoom

    Interior Photos (3)

    Uploaded December 2010:

    Photo--click to zoom
    Photo--click to zoom
    Photo--click to zoom

    Restoration Photos: Paint (5)

    Uploaded December 2010:

    Photo--click to zoom
    Photo--click to zoom
    Photo--click to zoom
    Photo--click to zoom
    Photo--click to zoom

    Restoration Photos: Front Suspension (1)

    Uploaded December 2010:

    Photo--click to zoom


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    2010-12-02 09:08:01 | Rob writes:

    I purchased this low mileage Mk2, in the early 70's. The previous owners were, Thomas F Haughey, Richard K Campbell & Louis M Watson. I purchased this car in mint as new condition from Archer & Lupp, in Wellington & sold it to my dad a couple of years later, eventually getting it back in 1985. It was still in excellent running condition, 81000mls, tidy but with a little bit of minor rust, bottoms of the front guards, under the radiator, L/R door & a couple of spots in the back guards. At the request of my eldest daughter, that it may be considered used as a wedding car one day, it followed us to Australia & a slow & very serious restoration was undertaken over a 6 year period, to a near concourse standard. It was completed 2 years ago, in time for three of the family weddings & has been used for others, several times since. It was a 100% complete & original unmolested car, has been religiously & faithfully reproduced, to as close as possible in all details, as it was when it came out of the factory, with the addition of electronic ignition, 6" wires & Jaguar woodrim steering wheel.

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